July 25
7pm - Joe Giardullo & Susan Alcorn (pedal steel marvel from texas)
CBGB Lounge
Dunno who this Giardullo and Alcorn duo are, but I'm listening to them as I'm typing this and am amazed by not only Alcorn's pedal steel mastery (and in the avant garde jazz vein as well!) but Giardullo's tenor sax which borders on Roscoe Mitchell over-the wall-and-running-around-like-a-madman brilliant! Alcorn's pedal steel sounds like an electric piano sometimes and at others like Sun Ra playing his outer-space clavinet cantatas while Guardullo is as free as they come, which sure is a pleasant surprise in a jazz world that still seems to be overtaken by the inferior nada that Chick Corea oozes all over. They did a really mind-enhancing set, and then said there were some CDs for sale! Gotta go seek one out asap! Hope this show was preserved for posterity as well!
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Seventies Soul Priduction values on Huey Newton's 6 Music Saturday Morning
1 hour ago
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