Headcannon vis-a-vis Heyyy, It’s The King!
Headcannon vis-a-vis *Heyyy, It’s The King!*Clyde, the somewhat clueless
“class jock” gorilla, turns out being a close rival to Big H when it comes
to mara...
3 hours ago
Nice sloganeering... how about some actual debate with the guy? Do you think you can do that without resorting to name-calling and hissyfits? I doubt it.
Yeah, I doubt it too!
I'm outta the loop...who's the other guy?
What the hell are you talking about, dude?
Have at it laddies!
The last guy is right about the blog...give the man a cigar! Actually my particular post was a li'l jibe in response to the sanctimonious mode of this particular blog's first post which laid down the law as to what the blogger in question's core belief system (for wont of a better term) is all about. And true, it was merely in jest that I posted the Bizarro Code in response, although some observers might see a few startling similarities twixt the two! Surprisingly enough, there may be a few things mentioned on that list that I do agree with, but I would hesitate to say so in public...after all, that would be sorta like agreeing that Hitler sure made a good Volkswagen even if he did! And besides, that little "poke" directed towards me that the blogger gratuitously threw in...c'mon, if it weren't for my mentioning of the subject would this guy even know what paleoconservative is, let alone know what it means??? Can't let that one slip by unnoticed!!!
Comparing Jay to Hitler?! Geez, get over it! Once again you're just reacting to other people and not really formulating anything original thoughts of your own.
Uh, if you """read""" my comment in the correct context you would see that I wasn't comparing Jay to Adolf, but was merely commenting on the fact that (at least for me) having to admit to being copasetic with any aspects of Hinman's "credo" as it were would be like 'fessing up to agreeing with the famed German leader. Not that they had any overt similarities, as you somehow conjure. Sheesh, where were you when they were handing out the thinking aids anyway?
"c'mon, if it weren't for my mentioning of the subject"
Heh, yeh right....He seems to have drank the "Libertarian" koolaid just like you so I imagine that there are many things there you would agree with...not that I really care:
Not that I care or that it detracts from the great music-related writing on both blogs...
Thanks for the link, ideoligically skewered as it may be. (Always nice to read opposing viewpoints once in awhile!) Actually, to me the piece reads like it was written by a super-bitter socialist who's totally upset over the fact that some people don't think they should march lock-step with each other with smiles on their faces. But then again, I do make generalizations.
If you say that "libertarians are republicans who take drugs" then I say that "communists are democrats in a hurry"!
"Actually, to me the piece reads like it was written by a super-bitter socialist who's totally upset over the fact that some people don't think they should march lock-step with each other"
Oh yes- I forgot- 'libertarians' are the only true individualists around, real rough and ready free thinkers except that fags are yucky and Leave it to Beaver is really, like genious....sigh. Oh right, I forgot, the only people who ever criticize the libertarians are commies and lefties. Can you grok another tact in the ideoligical (sic) sea?? Black is a lawyer, and wait for it, an anarchist. But he has probably attacked those to the left of Trotsky with more vim and vigor than progressives and those to the right.
More of his stuff here (starting with his most famous "The Abolition of Work"):
And re: ideology, Black states, "Do you have an ideology or does ideology have you?"
But that's it from me. You can have last word as I'm sure you must. Like I said, your music-related stuff is great but when that sour-faced "liberahls are ruining everything" creeps in it really makes me sigh. Have you ever dropped acid? Fucked a sleazy babe you picked in a drunken revelry? Smelled the fresh bloom of spring? I mean, lived the message of the bands you extol?
Oh yes- I forgot- 'libertarians' are the only true individualists around, real rough and ready free thinkers except that fags are yucky and Leave it to Beaver is really, like genious....sigh.
Well, next to the democrats I see who seem to be taking more than a few cues from the Communist Manifesto, yes, libertarians are more individualist! And there's a big difference between thinking that fags are "yucky" as you put it and that they are human beings worthy of "certain" inalienable rights despite the fact. I guess that gets lost in the shuffle. And anyone who hates LEAVE IT TO BEAVER is a jerk pure and simple.
Oh right, I forgot, the only people who ever criticize the libertarians are commies and lefties.
And Fox News...remember how they treated Ron Paul?
Can you grok another tact in the ideoligical (sic) sea?? Black is a lawyer, and wait for it, an anarchist.
But what KIND of anarchist..clearly a left-leaning one, not an anarcho-capitalist or any libertarian derivation thereof.
But he has probably attacked those to the left of Trotsky with more vim and vigor than progressives and those to the right.
OK, but what else is OLD?
More of his stuff here (starting with his most famous "The Abolition of Work"):
And re: ideology, Black states, "Do you have an ideology or does ideology have you?"
I think my writings PROVE that I am not in lockstep with anything other than my own core beliefs. Which have changed drastically even over the past few years.
But that's it from me. You can have last word as I'm sure you must. Like I said, your music-related stuff is great but when that sour-faced "liberahls are ruining everything" creeps in it really makes me sigh.
I hope that's not because YOU'RE A "sour-faced liberahl"!
Have you ever dropped acid? Fucked a sleazy babe you picked in a drunken revelry? Smelled the fresh bloom of spring? I mean, lived the message of the bands you extol?
Isn't that like a member of one race saying that since I'm a member of another race I can't relate to any problems he might have encountered? As for you, ever been to a tridentine mass or engaged in serious procreation with your wife? Or lived the message of Simply Saucer for that matter???
Where is Bob Black now? Over 10 years ago, after he narked on a friend of mine, he gradually dwindled out of sight.
On a related note, I would like to see more Ronnie Sando updates please
Hey Chris, you ever engaged in an attempt at serious procreation with anyone AT ALL?! Haha! Your right hand doesn't count.
Fuh-NEE! How about YOU??? And Bossy doesn't count either!
hey, "anon.", what IS it with leftists and "Leave it to Beaver"? It's always "The Leave it to Beaver 50s" as if a sitcom's job is to stand for an entire decade...funny how leftists never judge the 50s by say, SGT. BILKO.
And we're supposed to live by the standards of the bands you listen to? What are you, 15 years old? Sorry, but I'll pass on becoming a junkie because I own a copy of FUNHOUSE.
I'm not defending Chris's stance on some things anymore then I am Jays' (Hinman's early defense of Iraq was flat-out unjustified), but seems to prove that there's more real debate 'tween libertarians than amongst leftists or republicans (same diff.)
And I've read some Bob Black... his criticisms of the left made him the target of abuse by (you guessed it!) leftists...you're the first leftist I've seen site him in 15 years, at least. Congrats!
We can't keep meeting like this.
For the record, I'm not a leftist. I didn't attack "Leave it to Beaver" just making a jokey reference to one of Stig's fave- I don't hate it- I'm totally indifferent, really. I just think the juxtaposition of that gosh gee whiz whitebread '50s view of the world (no blacks, no gays, no "freaks") that exploded in the '60s in a music that embraced all those outre cultures to some degree- a musical form that is highly touted here. Yeah I know people can have contrarian views and that r'n'r itself was more of a dionysian view than rigidly leftist (which is why I love it, again, I'm no leftist). Jes' saying. Obviously, Funhouse isn't about being a junkie but it is certainly isn't about June Cleaver, well maybe taking her from behind while she's baking a, yep, chocolate cake...
sonicgg (not anonymous)
p.s. I still site Black because he's still relevant as is Marshall McLuhan and Raoul Vaneigem. As is Robert Anton Wilson, who certainly considered himself "Libertarian" at some point...
Once again, have you ever watched BILKO? There's more genuine hedonism then any of today's "socially relevant" sitcoms, as well as promenent black and other "ethnic"/non-WASP characters, something that Phil Silvers must've taken alot of heat for...and you certainly work up alot of lather about "Leave It to Beaver", a show you claim to be indifferent to. Face it, the civil-rights progress and the breaking of racial barriers began in the 50s, but the boomers want to hog all the credit for their precious "1960s"...but what do I know? I think there's more genuine liberation in a Gene Vincent or Little Richard record, then listening to "For What it's Worth" on 'Classic Rock' radio for the 5 billionth time.
You should check out BALSAMIC DREAMS bt Joe Quinlan...he's a left-leaning boomer who admits that the hippie-boomer mindset has largely been a plague.
Sonicgg, perhaps one of the best things that MAKES LEAVE IT TO BEAVER is the absence of gays and freaks. Believe-you-me, growing up in suburbia 60s/70s I didn't see any around here *though there were many suspects!), and personally I will say that I am the better for it considering the negative effect they do have on impressionable youngsters! By the way, hate to burst your prejudiced bubble, but blacks were regularly appearing on early-sixties network TV including BEAVER, even if they were in bit parts. (I'm thinking about the Cicely Tyson-ish maid in the episode where Wally and Eddie park cars for a wedding reception and Eddie mistakenly parks Lumpy's dad's vehicle in a tow-away zone.) Early-sixties programs in which I have spotted black people include NAKED CITY, ALFRED HITCHCOCK, TWILIGHT ZONE and HAVE GUN, WILL TRAVEL in which a black actor had a major role in an excellent episode also featuring Robert Blake and William Talman of PERRY MASON fame. And come to think about it, I recall an episode of the early/mid-fifties series RACKET SQUAD which had a black woman as the heroine of a story abour poorly-run daycare centers! And yes, BILKO was one show which broke the ethnic/color barrier on tee-vee with Italians, Jews, blacks etc. as members of Bilko's company. Dunno if he took any real heat for that since it was a comedy show!
Anyhow, the idea that the fifties were "whitebread" and the sixties "mind-expanding" may be a little outta the loop, since none of the social upheaval that supposedly was happening hit the Sharon area, or at least my circles, until the late-seventies at least. In many ways we were still living the fifties, or better yet even forties here, or at least we were in my extended family! Again, I think this was good enough for me not being exposed to gays and the like. I recall the shock and horror my elders would have when such subjects did come up (like, you'd hear stories about some young co-worker offered a weekend at some guy's cabin). I can only imagine the shock such decent people as my parents and relatives have to go through in these days of gay marriage and adoption!
Barry, you say you're not defending me on certain issues...care to clarify???
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