Fw: Read this: I am female solo traveller...there is a country I will NEVER
go back to - the people treated me like dirt: St. Kitts
*Sent:* Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 03:34:03 PM EST
*Subject:* Read this: I am female solo traveller...there is a country I
will NEVER go back to - the pe...
53 minutes ago
hi chris, good to see yr still around, i just found yr blog after googling uhck. fiund some kind comments you left about our Hams cd's, nice one mate! guess youve seen the PF book by now and heard the finland CD? lots of news but right now im off taking boss goodman on holiday for a week, he had a stroke 2 years back and aint too well. check out my site www.myspace.com/slimtimslide for some pics of me playing with john sinclair and george butler at the book launch! be great to hear from ya - all the best, tim rundall (ex editor of uhck)
Well Tim, I guess that's better than Boss being dead, like I thought he was!-CS
christianity/islam and all other forms of control are mental illness and should be treated as such.a good hit on the bong will set everyone on the right path.as for the USA being champions of free speech,thats another thing completely,americans will think and say what they're told,9/11 will keep them in their place and unload the necessary tax dollars.
christianity/islam and all other forms of control are mental illness and should be treated as such.a good hit on the bong will set everyone on the right path.
Mike, ain't that kinda like saying (as some suggested) that if we could only get LBJ and Ho Chi Minh to listen to SGT. PEPPER the Vietnam War would be over in a week? Or how about those stories about hippies who were going to put LSD in the water to open up a lotta establishment minds out there? Well, at least that would have been novel if impractical!
as for the USA being champions of free speech,thats another thing completely. americans will think and say what they're told. 9/11 will keep them in their place and unload the necessary tax dollars.
I dunno, with the massive opposition to the war right now I don't exactly see that going on. Quite the opposite. I don't know what that has to do with the original Buchanan column, but hey. Personally I am no friend of Steyn, but I thought Buchanan had a good point to be made (even if I object to the part about governmental censorship that Pat seems to think just fine) that seems to be tossed aside, even by the wildest of free speech advocates these sorry days.
Once again the world shudders with your righteous indignation, Chris. It must be so hard being right ALL the time. How do you do it? So us atheists/agnostics are "nihilistic degenerates", huh? I believe in free speech as much as anyone and you won't find too many free-thinking left-liberals who actually disagree with that tract in regards to its arguments for some sanity in the free-speech debate, but righteous Christianity is just as dumb/dangerous as righteous Islam. No difference there at all.
And if you read the latest there by Chris Roach, the Rockwellites that post at Takis sound just like the lefties you love to skewer. And they're both equally useless on race and immigration. You votin' Obama like Raimondo?
Once again the world shudders with your righteous indignation, Chris.
Thank yew!
It must be so hard being right ALL the time.
Well, not really, though I recall I was once wrong about Husker Du about twentysome years back.
How do you do it?
Clean living and lots of disgusting sex.
So us atheists/agnostics are "nihilistic degenerates", huh?
Not all...would 99% be a better number?
I believe in free speech as much as anyone and you won't find too many free-thinking left-liberals who actually disagree with that tract in regards to its arguments for some sanity in the free-speech debate, but righteous Christianity is just as dumb/dangerous as righteous Islam. No difference there at all.
Yeah, I'll remember that the next time I read about swarms of Christians blowing up pedestrians on the streets of Des Moines.
And if you read the latest there by Chris Roach, the Rockwellites that post at Takis sound just like the lefties you love to skewer. And they're both equally useless on race and immigration. You votin' Obama like Raimondo?
I dunno if I ever said that there weren't issues in which I didn't agree with leftists or liberals, though maybe I come to the same conclusions as they have from a totally different perspective the same way the libertarians of the late sixties found themselves on the same side of the aisle as the radical leftists with regards to war and drug legalization, only with ideals of liberty in mind as opposed to hip communism for wont of a better term. As for Raimondo, yeah I do think he's overdoing it with his pro-Obamaisms, but I still see that a case can be made for the Obamacons, no matter how few there may be.
@anonymous 7:46. I thought righteous was a good thing? Righteous dude! Did you mean self righteous? How about those righteous Atheists like Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot? Good stuff there. Maybe Chris is guilty of blanket statements but you ain't even a smidgen better.
@ms69: Speaking of self righteous; Taki and Buchanan are the only ones left worth reading anymore at Takimag. Raimondo's lack of recent post seem to signal an unfortunate shift. LewRockwell.com seems as consistent in it's varied viewpoints and messages as it was a few years ago. Pax, PhilthyRex
Mr. D., please point out the "blanket statements" that I am guilty of, not including various tongue-in-cheek responses to self-righteous commentaries.
If you were addressing me Chris, "maybe" was supposed to be non-binding loophole, left for the other guy to prove. I wasn't accusing you of that, just not arguing that point, at that time. Anon. 7:46 seems surely not innocent of gross exaggeration and implied slander. With you here, not against. Sorry if unclear. Pax, PhilthyRex P.S. I guess I spoke to soon about Raimondo
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