Wednesday, January 17, 2018


I kinda gave up tryin' to hard-sell these things awhile back but hey, I not only need to get rid of these fanzines (especially considering the treacherous turncoats who contributed to some of 'em which kinda bugs me to no end!) but right now I sure could use the money for things like necessities not to mention the more important frivolities. I know that hardly anyone will nibble at this bait but then again you can't blame a guy for tryin'! But honestly, if you like the kinda long-gone gonzoid, offensive to sissies and (best of all) TOTALLY ROCKIST writing you find on this blog then you should go nuts for these BLACK TO COMMs which were, and remain for that matter AMERIGA'S ONLY HIGH ENERGY ROCK 'N ROLL MAGAZINES which is no mere feat y'know.

If you want more detailed descriptions of both issues that are still available as well as those that are long-gone, please click here for my special THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF BLACK TO COMM post. And hey, if there are any out-of-print issues that you would like copies of I just might be able to run off some copies for a not-so-nominal fee. But then again maybe not given I'm not sure where I've stashed some of those old masters.

Tell you Amerigans will have to pay five buck for the mailing charges if you order one or one of each for that matter, while furriners will have to write in first for postage to their particular spot on the planet which might be exorbitant so don't be surprised at the sticker shock. Just remember that every penny I receive will be going to a good cause, mainly ME who needs the moolah much more than any of you ever will.

By mail, please make checks or Money Orders out to "Christopher Stigliano" and send said check/MO to 701 North Hermitage Road., Suite 23, Hermitage PA 16148. Paypal is available only you gotta get in touch with me first complete with your email address and I will send you the details. Since I don't like my email address being splattered across the internet just leave a "message" at the bottom of this post with your name and email address and I will respond to you WITHOUT printing the "comment". C'mon, it couldn't be any simpler now, could it???

PHFUDD! #11-Still have a VERY few copies of this once-gone and forgotten issue featuring Mirrors (complete with the usual rare photos and flyers and ads and junk like that), live VON LMO photos taken at Max's Kansas City with Lou Rone mugging it up for the camera (plus a Rudolph Grey chronology!), Sonny Sharrock, Jeff Dahl and Powertrip, a live Styrenes photo taken by ME (which accounts for its fuzziness!), Birdhouse (remember them?), the Standells and some live Rocket From the Tombs snaps with lyrics that should cause your heart to be racing by now. Also included is the enticing article entitled "Is There No End To Those Pesky Chuck Eddy Rumors?" which, as we know, is still as relevant today as it was in April/May 1988 when this issue originally came out. Since this is a rarity, I'm asking $15.00 each, and no frowning!
BLACK TO COMM #14-Early 1989. Featuring part one of the Ron Asheton interview, a nice though could be much better given all the information discovered since piece on the Deviants, an article on Peter Laughner's Cinderella Backstreet, the Seeds and Charlemagne Palestine. $8.00 and if that's too expensive just try getting hold of one on ebay!
BLACK TO COMM #16-From summer 1989. This one has the Rudolph Grey interview, some reprints of various Peter Laughner things I copped out of old issues of ZEPPELIN and elsewhere, more Electric Eels lyrics with a pic that's been reprinted all to heck, Laughing Hyenas and of course tributes to the recently departed Lucille Ball and Jim Backus. The first, cruddy version can be had for $5.00, the other for $6.00 or maybe I'll just send you whatever I come upon first!
BLACK TO COMM #17-Early '90. The first of the "big" issues has a cover story/interview with Scott Morgan and Gary Rasmussen from the old Scott Morgan band, also inside's an interview with Borbetomagus' Donald Miller as well as one with Maureen Tucker, not to mention pieces on Fish Karma (who I liked until hearing his overly-preachy kiss kiss moosh anti-gun song entitled "God Bless The NRA" which blew Fish's snot-nosed toss off attitude to sanctimonious heck), the Dogs (from Detroit, not the French ones or the Flamin' Groovies for that matter!), Rocket From the Tombs (with loads of old photos and the like, some never seen before or since!), the top 25 of heavy metal, METAL MACHINE MUSIC, a piece on the then-new proto-punk reissues and archival digs of the day and the usual reviews and news. $10.00.
BLACK TO COMM #19-Just found a few of these niceties with my Miriam Linna interview plus one done with Jeff Clayton of Antiseen, not to mention the Pink Fairies, Czech Underground Rock (Plastic People of the Universe, Umela Hmota...), Lester Bangs (unpublished photos too!), NUGGETS, the Shangs, a history of proto/early punk fanzines, lotsa old TV stuff and of course the regular departments. This is the first ish to really dig into a lotta the anti-youth fascism mentality so popular in rock circles these days, so sissies beware!!! Since this is getting rare you can have one of these soon-to-be collector's items for $10.00 each if you can believe it! A real steal deal!!!!
BLACK TO COMM #21-From November '94. A VON LMO cover story and interview grace this ish, as do interviews with Metal Mike Saunders, Brian McMahon (Electric Eels) and rockabilly star Ronnie Dawson, plus you can read much-desired items on the Trashmen, Velvet Underground and Hawkwind like I knew you would! Not to mention a piece on the infamous TEENAGE WASTELAND GAZETTE fanzine! $10.00.
BLACK TO COMM #24- From spring 2001. This issue's cover feature's a nice interview with Doug Snyder of DAILY DANCE/Sick Dick and the Volkswagens fame, plus there are interviews with the Dogs (Detroit) and Greg Shaw, a piece on the old CAN'T BUY A THRILL fanzine and the usual feature-length reviews and the like. $9.00 because like, I don't think it was as big as the previous issues.
BLACK TO COMM #25-The latest (December 2003), 162 pages brimming with such goodies as a New York City Scene history (featuring interviews with Max's Kansas City's Peter Crowley and Ruby Lynn Reyner from Ruby and the Rednecks plus pieces on coverboys the New York Dolls and VARIETY scene-booster Fred Kirby), an interview with J. D. King (Coachmen, comix) plus one with guitarist Lou Rone, who would probably be best known to you as leader of the early CBGB-era band Cross as well as one-time guitarist for both Kongress and VON LMO, the Screamin' Mee-Mees, CRETINOUS CONTENTIONS, Simply Saucer rare photos, family tree and gigography, rare fanzines of the Golden Age (and more), tons of book and record reviews (which make up the bulk of this ish!), plus a CD with live Simply Saucer 1975, the Coachmen, The Battleship, Ethel with David Nelson Byers and Ruby and the Rednecks. $12.00
I still have some Cee-Dees that came with the now out of print issue #17 which I will give to you FREE if you order some mags (just request one, or I WON'T even bother slipping one in the package) and let me tell you there's some good stuff on it that's for sure!


  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Hello Chris

    There's one issue missing in my BTC collection and that's issue 23 ( Deniz tek etc...).

    Please, is it possible for you to run off 1 copy ? If it is possible, let me know about price , postage. I live in France and i've got a pa ypal account.

    Here's my E-mail adress:

    If you got any questions , don't hesitate.

    Thanks a lot and hope to hear from you soon

    MEAR thierry

  2. MoeLarryAndJesus1:23 AM

    Did I forget to hit send on the post where I said I had all 25 issues? And said you’d be as famous as Coley if you weren’t so busy playing Mr. Provocateur? Well, you would be. That was a great zine run and you have a great ear for the good stuff even though you’re a frigging crankasaurus.

  3. I did but I originally passed on it because it wasn't exactly relevant to the point of this post (mainly, getting some magazines moved). But since you want me to print your opinions re BTC so bad here it is. Hope you're happy.

  4. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Hi Chris

    I'm keen to grab #16 w/Rudolph Grey Interview w/postage to the UK

    let me know how to make that happen


  5. Hey Chris, just wondering which back issues are still avail?

  6. All of the above. Send me a comment with your email (will not print) andI will get back to you with the specifics.

  7. Chris,

    Thanks again for your kind words about my book Pin-Ups 72 and blog posts.

    It's time I properly caught up on your mag. Can you let me know what issues you still have available and what the full cost including shipping to UK will set me back.

    Cheers, Peter
    ps. just finished reading your entry on Flash . . . loved it. I reckon I really do need #19 with the rundown on rock fanzines so I hope that one is still available,


All comments screened to edit out spam, malicious mutterings regarding those associated with this blog or who I consider close friends, and anything relating to my personal, private life that frankly is none of your damn business! And if your posts will lead to back-and-forth tit-for-tat one-upmanship shouting matches that only go around in circles don't expect to see them here.