Sunday, November 23, 2014

Another slimmo post this week. Sheesh, the inspiration (in the form of new 'n hotcha disques to spin) just ain't comin' as fast as I'd like 'em to come, an' if I don't dig into the ol' pile to see what else I can blab on 'n beef about in order to plump this 'un up I'm sure gonna be in one big mess o' trouble! But blab on I will if only to pudge this 'un out to at least a respectably decent length because hey, I think you guys deserve something to read after a hard day working at yer job as testers at the dildo factory.
Anyway I hope you readers in the US of Whoa are looking forward to Fangsgiving this Thursday. Remember to keep the BLOG TO COMM tradition up for the holidays once again this year...don't shave or bathe for at least three days, wear your shabby clothes and try to get to the local rescue mission before the food's all gone. And remember to sneak out when they want you all to sing along with the corny hymns.
Can't let the 51st anniversary of the big JFK ka-boom go unnoticed the weekend, so for those of you who missed last year's Golden Anniversary (one of the most-hit posts I've dared unleash on the pubelick) just click here and marvel o'er the fact that I didn't receive any internet award for this masterpiece. Even this late inna game I'm chortling over Don Fellman's recollections of that fateful for him day (no RETURN OF THE FLY that night!) which sure beats all hollow those reminiscences that ROLLING STONE printed in their '73 tenth anniversary baby boom "we're the best and brightest generation ever!" slobberfest, and somehow I get the feeling that you readers would probably agree!
In the IF YOU THOUGHT LIFE WAS STRANGE ENOUGH AWLREADY department...remember that issue of BACK DOOR MAN where Phast Phreddie was interviewing Adny Shernoff of the Dictators and asked him is the Dics'd ever play the Vatican? The question seemed funny har-har at the time but it turns out to have been more'n just "prophetic" in a way since I have just found out that yes...none other than PATTI SMITH is going to appear at the Vatican Christmas Concert next month!!! I couldn't believe it even if the gal did get to chat with the recent pope during some meet 'n greet but I guess that the ever-famed and aged punk poetess is going to be performing for ol' Francis in the not-so-distant future! I get the feeling that she might be dishing out a neatly censored set w/o any of the Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine and Wilhelm Reich Peter diddling shockarama that put her on the map, but no matter how bowdlerized the show might get all I gotta say is...I wonder who's gonna be the opening act, Kongress??? Maybe Suicide can do a Punk Music Mass for the gig 'n wouldn't THAT be somethin' t' fill up the baskets???
Anyhoo here're some revooz of some items I was able to scrape together and stick onna ol' bedside boom box this week. Thanks to P.D. Fadensonnen for the late entry (Dixie Dregs' THE GREAT SPECTACULAR as well as some more that'll get the nod next weekend) and thanks to Paul McGarry for the Chrome, Jerry Jerry, Daddy Long Legs and Love spinners. And while I'm at it, thanks to Bill Shute for the spiffy sampler that closes out the post...if it weren't for you guys the only thing that would be reviewed this week would be the Jean-Francois Pauvros discs that I bought (thanks to ME!).

Chrome-FEEL IT LIKE A SCIENTIST CD-r burn (originally on King of Spades)

It's platters like this that give me hope that the feral past can have some meaning here in the tepid present. Chrome rock on just as hard and as electronically infused here as they did back when you used to see ads for their albums cluttering up the fanzines of the late-seventies, crashing up and about while all of those other seventies punk wonders have floundered about as if too much Donovan had gotten into their systems. A pretty good approximation of the ALIEN SOUNDTRACKS/HALF MACHINE LIP MOVES Chrome era, and it's been recorded and released in an era (mainly, TODAY!) that has been more conduit to the Chrome mindset than the late-seventies (a wonderful time if you must know!) has been. If only more interstellar cyborgs out there would only listen...
Jerry Jerry-THE SOUND OF THE JERRY CD-r burn (originally on Aquarius)

Singer/songwriter-y guy here who gets into the usual under-the-mainstream musical snark yet still comes off pretty hot in some respects. And that's even though this form for all intent purposes has been long gone from the "music" scene for at least fifteen or so years. A bit altie/folk coming off like a snarling Jonathan Richman after a bad day at the shopping center. Nothing that I'd want to spin on a daily basis but it does have a certain style to it. Quite clever at times even...just skip over the song where Jerry Jerry sings about his garden hose and you'll probably take a liking to it even with alla the swearing.
Dixie Dregs-THE GREAT SPECTACULAR CD-r (originally on Dregs Records)

I must admit that I've been tingling my toes in what used to be (and still may be) called "Southern Rock", though other than Black Oak Arkansas, the Hampton Grease Band and Hydra I really haven't found one of these groups that fits it totally with my BLOG TO COMM sense of high energy hijinx. The Dixie Dregs just might snuggle up with the aforementioned one of these days, but their slick approach (even on this pre-major label outing) just doesn't satiate the way I was hoping a hotcha deep South bluegrass jazz rock group woulda. Still interesting enough for a quick spin, though frankly I wish these guy were listening to a whole lot more Miles Davis and a whole lot less Return to Forever. (For real Dixie thrills get a hold of former bassist Andy West's RAMA 1 Cee-Dee and be prepared to change your bigoted opinions regarding him and his fellow musicians for all time!)
Daddy Long Legs-BLOOD FROM A STONE CD-r burn (originally on Norton)

Wow is this 'un exciting as all get out! The Long Legs "channel" all of the best moments of the original fifties-sixties punk thrust through various seventies and eighties (even nineties and oh-ohs!) influences giving out with a sound that reminds me of the Raunch Hands aping early Black Oak Arkansas after spinning a variety of Flamin' Groovies,  Dr. Feelgood and Count Bishops platters that were found in Charles Shaar Murray's backpack which got lost in the NME listening room sometime in '78. If you wanna get all hopped up over the BIG BEAT the same way you did back when you were young 'n impressionable this 'un just might restore your faith in rock 'n roll as a healing force. And I don't mean any of that Haight Ashbury mystical mumbo jumbo either!
Jean-Francois Pauvros-MUSIQUES POR ANNE DREYFUS CD (Spalax France)

Ex-Catalogue man Pauvros makes music for the choreography of an Anne Dreyfus, a lady whose works I assume would never ever have been attempted by the Class of '66 even though that gal with the ironed hair who wanted to be a Freedom Rider so badly mighta attempted it. It varies from soft if unnerving violin strains to clunks and clangs as well as even some rather rocking passages (thanks to the presence of Modern Lover/Elliot Murphy bassist Ernie Brooks), and it all sounds just as alien and as indecipherable as all of those other French neo-punkian avant free jazz RIO things that have been coming outta France for quite some time. Nothing that special for the standard reader of this blog, but it just might be of interest if you're experiencing one of those really ennui-filled introspective moments like I tend to do on overcast snowed-in days.
Love-BLACK BEAUTY CD-r burn (originally on High Moon)

Hey, McGarry actually sent me a Cee-Dee-Are that I had my eyes on for quite some time! Yes it's the legendary long-unreleased Love album finally getting its just dues, and even if I never was whatcha'd call a humongous fan of Arthur Lee and company (more like a passing fancy fan) I gotta mention that I did enjoy this 'un quite a whole lot! Kinda funky in a mid-seventies sorta way, but its still a power-packed offering that manages to retain some of the excitement of the Electra-era band if not the oft-maligned version that popped up on Blue Thumb/Harvest. And really, you haven't heard anything until you lend your ears to Arthur Lee singing the old Rooftop Singers hit "Walk Right In"! Bonus tracks don't let you down either (the interview was quite illuminating!) but don't get yer hopes up over the inclusion of a track called "LA Blues"...this 'un's a latterday numbub ('n an actual blooze!) where Lee is joined by an act called Ventilator and as you woulda surmised by now it ain't even the Stooges song! Awww c'mon, don't let that get to you---go buy the durned thing!
Various Artists-MONKEY DOGS DOIN' THE FLAME CD-r burn (directed by Bill Shute)

A good hour's worth of downloads courtesy the Inner Mystique Man himself. The Maymie and Robert track mixed late-fifties pop and Chipmunks voices to a good effect, and while the Buchanan/Goodman cut-ins ain't as funny as they were when I was ten they still do reverberate spasms of pre-teen har hars as well as any good ARCHIE comic should. It's interesting the way Bill follows the gospel rouser "One More River" with "Marijuana Polka" (I wonder if he's trying to tell us something), while the theme from SANFORD AND SON as well as the Raiders' "ss 396" and Clark Chewing Gum tracks do recall more fun frolics of the past than I thought they would. And it all closes out with Ray Sharpe doing a great "Gloria" swipe that'll curdle your curry, and with horns too! (Shouldn't forget that the obv. scuffed up Christmas recordings that Bill slapped on do signal that the Holiday Season is almost upon us, which means that YOU Bill are going to get an ADDED if not addled bonus this year---mainly two lumps of coal instead of one!)
Might see you Wednesday though probably Thursday...if I can pry myself away from the table long enough to crank something out that is!

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