Brian Eno-THE BBC SESSIONS 1974-1976 CD (Il Cane Lento, Giacomo Leopardi, 26, 95127 Catania, Italy)
It may seem strange that I would be reviewing this "grey area" Italian bootleg in the middle of the week especially whilst in the midst of my weekend run of "classic" boot reviews, but considering that this particular job just might be semi-kosher if you pick it up on the streets of ol' Wopadagoland I felt that breaking my very own rule especially this once would be hokay. Besides, I had nuttin' else to write about other than some old moldies hanging around so why not? Eno actually cooks hot mid-seventies Velvet worship on the Winkies tracks which do have a nice primal pounce to 'em that really does come close to '75-vintage Television (check out his cover of "Fever" which reminds me of the Outsets' take and even tops the McCoys!). However, the 801 numbers even with Phil Manzanara trying to make it all sound like the old Roxy Music with Eno at the helm, still have that late-seventies sterile English art rock approach to 'em that might bring back less-exciting import bin memories but won't give you cause to heave. As a special bonus, the bootleggers actually stuck on a couple single-only sides that are hard to find on legit CD even to this day, mainly the slightly-satisfying version of "Wimoweh" as well as Eno's scabrous punk-scronker "Seven Deadly Finns" which is probably better known for Craig Bell's review in CREEM's "Rock-A-Rama" column than for the record itself!
Fw: Read this: Munich car horror is 'a suspected attack', officials say as
Afghan asylum seeker is arrested after dozens including children are
seriously injured when vehicle crashes into crowd
*Sent:* Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 09:10:34 AM EST
*Subject:* Read this: Munich car horror is 'a suspected attack', officials
say as Afghan asylum seeke...
20 minutes ago
Thanks Chris!
What did I do this time?
thanks for the tip on this new boot, been wanting to hear these tracks for a while, cant wait til it gets to my abode.
are there any other eno boots that are live from this crucial time period? i dont remember seeing much in the way of then outside of the official ACNE concert
There's an unofficial bootleg of the ACNE show, an audience recording of the entire show if you are interested. Or, if you're feeling especially adventurous, there is a live in Paris Fripp/Eno disque floating about somewhere...
No, I meant I had forgotten about the Rock-a-Rama.
OH, I thought it was yet another barb thrust in my direction. While I have you on the line...howcum they hadda chop off the opening of "Sonic Reducer" anyway?????
thanks for the tip on this new boot
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