Be sure not to miss the Mirrors reunion!
CHAOS: Pentagon City Mall Shut Down After Multiple Fights Break Out; it
certainly appears that a group of teenagers took the metro from inner-city
D.C. and started a fight in the mall's food court; where are their parents?
Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 11:02:05 PM EDT
Based on the security video and my experiences at Pentagon City Mall, it
certainly appears that a group of teen...
5 minutes ago
I trust you'll be providing an eye witness account?!
Not really...I'll be waiting for the live album.
But isn't this the kind of thing you dream about? If it was happening anywhere near me, I'd be there like a shot!
Of course I don't dream about all the gas I'll have to buy to get to Cleveland and trying to find the danged place after a good two hour trip to the Mistake on the Lake and sitting around with a buncha strangers trying to feign off sleep!
The show was fucking *awesome*, and seriously, about as absolutely PERFECT of a reunion show as anyone could ever ask. Jamie Klimek was in good spirits, the crowd loved them, everyone played absolutely marvelously - the songs were all brilliant, sparkling, lively, energetic, funny, and just mind-blowingly amazingly great. Completely beyond belief. I'm even curious now as to what their new recordings coming out this fall are going to sound like! I hope they come back and do this again really soon!
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