Tuesday, March 06, 2007


And right now I just know how the hindquarters of that lamb feel after struggling with this ever-decaying blog for the past few days! Anyway, I hope that you ever-diligent readers out there are grateful enough to the fact that I am so dedicated to my blogging career to the point where I'll actually stay up all hours of the night to find out exactly why I couldn't post anything for you eager beavers since last Sunday! It was (oh boo-hoo!) horrible not only with the so-called "toolbar" on the compose page (that's where I write these things!) failing to show up but me losing TWO (count 'em!) of my typically gigundo posts last Sunday PM which, especially after writing a particularly hot review or two, can lead one straight to the nearest cliff in the finest lemming tradition! Lemme tell you, it was quite a frustrating experience after having spent hours writing another of my typical blogpost masterpieces only to see it dispached into ether, not only because of the pains I took to write the things but because (believe-it-or-not) writing about a great piece of music or an old classic tee-vee show amongst other moving concerns out there in this big bloated world of ours sure is a wonderful creative experience for me, akin to the times when I was a kid drawing RATS REAGAN cartoons in the tee-vee room while BARNEY BEAN was blasting away on the box. But now I guess the problem is solved so's once again I can express myself through pixel, and although all of you humble readers have missed out on my typical Sunday Cee-Dee rundown have no fear, because I hope to do the same for you, albeit a few days late, once tomorrow rolls around.

Actually the previously-planned post wasn't anything to sneeze at with mostly a whole slew of typically curmudgeonly comments about the sad state of things these days and only two actual disques coming up for review, but I think I had enough vim, vigor, moxie and even Coca-Cola to pull off one of my more decent provoking tirades to the point where I'm sure none of you would have noticed anything missing. However, in my free time between trying to figure out exactly what went wrong I did seem fit to include a new links section on my sidebar as you can plainly see. Actually this column was more or less created for my own benefit a la Wayne McGuire's long-gone page from back in the nineties...of course it was also created so's I wouldn't have to continually link up certain oft-referred to sites regarding various BLOG TO COMM-relevant groups, scenes or music sources, as well as to hip some of the clueless out there towards political/societal places for information that always seemed to be ignored on purpose by a number of powerful media outlets perhaps because of their so-called "extremism." Such as this particular British political movement I have become interested in called The Third Way which was formed by a number of ex-National Front guys who, after being swayed by the should-be infamous (though he has his faults...I won't pick on him though) Rabbi Mayer Schiller, thankfully dropped the odious anti-black/Semitic rants that have unfortunately plagued a lot of the old European Right while keeping hold of the good stuff (mainly the anti-Communism). I don't buy these guys' line 100%...after all, the head of the Northern Irish branch David Kerr is still really big on local Prod "Culture" (y'know, like Protestant Orange marchers tramping through Catholic neighborhoods which to me comes off like bad guys trying to impose their will on good ones in the name of "tradition"), though to his credit he does seem cross-cultural enough to wanna reach out to the other side in some way which will probably be his downfall at the hands of EVERYONE. But then again, I gotta say that I hate the idea of "culture" more and more as the days go by and more or less accept Paul Johnson's concept of civilization as the true righteous ways. Culture is Nazi art and groupthink ideas and ethnic pride crammed into the minds of kids by overly protective parents. Civilization on the other hand is the trek towards new ideas, new medicines and technology and other ways to make life more pleasurable and beneficial for all who wish to see things as they really are. Still, these Third Way people like the Birchers seem to have something on the ball...maybe I'm wrong but I'm not going to totally write them off just like I won't condemn others with interesting if at-times unfathomable (at least to me) ideas like E. F. Schumacher and his Distributist policies.

Anyway, I hope to be fit as a fiddle for a nice rundown tomorrow's eve. Right now I'm just happy enough that I got this compose page to start working again, and I can only hope that I don't lost this particular post after hitting the "publish" button. See you tomorrow, perhaps real late but stay tuned anyway.


  1. Unfortunately I'm not out of the woods with regards to being able to peck out posts like I used to. When I went back to the compose page to correct some spelling mistakes and add a few incidentals, I found the toolbar gone once again and as I expected was unable to make any changes in the process. I believe this problem is happening with more than a couple blogs at this time (at least judging from the comments popping up on a blog-helper blog out there), and I'll attempt to get to the root of the problem tomorrow, before I edit this post and write a new one, that is!

  2. WEDNESDAY UPDATE: seems as if the here now gone later toolbar situation is still plaguing this blog, so unfortunately there will be no promised post today. I guess this peculiar problem is happening with other blogs across the globe so I must admit that I do feel a kinship with the rest of the afflicted, but what really gets me griping right now is the fact that the folks at Blogger seem to be taking their good ol' time responding to my emails asking for help! Sheesh, if they were the fire department and I engulfed in flames you could bet that I'd be nothin' but a pile of cinders right now! I'm going to keep working on this thing using little tricks (the "refresh" option on the ol' mouse seems to work once a day), bt don't expect miracles.

  3. SATURDAY UPDATE!: I am able to publish new posts as the next one will indicate, but getting the ol' "toolbar" to appear on my compose box each and every time is getting to be more and more a hassle. And yet, "Blogger" still will not respond to my emails!!! Hopefully I will have a post ready tomorrow though the way things are going I am not totally sure about that!

    Another thing...E. F. Schumacher was a proponent of "Distributivism"...tried making the correction on the actual blog but as you'd guess...

  4. SUNDAY UPDATE! You may have noticed that last night's post has disappeared into the ether, and well, I gotta admit that for once it wasn't exactly my fault that this happened! Y'see, when I went back to do some editing and fine-tuning on the thing this AM the whole post DISAPPEARED as soon as I hit the "publish" button and despite all my best efforts would not "take" no matter how many times I tried! Anyway, you can bet that I'm madder than Jay Hinman at a Prayer Meeting over this new state-of-affairs, but what's really getting me steamed is that Blogger has refused to answer any of my emails asking for help! Obviously someone there is asleep at the switch, so until things are straightened out for the better all I gotta say is...NO POSTS! Now aren't all you BLOG TO COMM haters happy???


All comments screened to edit out spam, malicious mutterings regarding those associated with this blog or who I consider close friends, and anything relating to my personal, private life that frankly is none of your damn business! And if your posts will lead to back-and-forth tit-for-tat one-upmanship shouting matches that only go around in circles don't expect to see them here.