Sunday, March 05, 2006


Hey, ya wanna know why I keep slapping the front cover of my latest issue (#25) at the beginning of each 'n every one of these periodic back issue postings where I hawk my wares to an unsuspecting blog populace? Well you should. The question is...can any of you should-be-smart-enough BLOG TO COMM readers TAKE A HINT????? Well, I certainly hope so!!! Succumb to your curiousity or taste for the wilder things in rockism and buy a bunch, wontcha???

A few minor changes are in order...issues #11 and 12 are now officially out-of-print, and a couple more of the older ones are heading that way so if you're thinking about ordering some of these mags and keep putting it off because you need the money to refurbish your antique butt plug lemme just say that, in the sage words of Snuffy Smith "time's a'wastin'!" Anyway, right now I'd like to concentrate on moving some of the more recent issues which I believe are the best of the batch although you wouldn't know that given how a few unmitigated rectal rockets out there on the web feel its their sworn duty to badmouth both me and the magazine...well, thankfully TWO can play at that game but until there here's a rundown of what I do have available so browze on and hopefully you'll find something here to your liking more sooner than later...

Anyway, all mags postpaid inna USA...outside please get in touch and ask for rates. And don't forget to make out all payments to "Christopher Stigliano" and send it to 714 Shady Ave., Sharon PA 16146-3149 USA!


BLACK TO COMM #14-The first issue with the new and improved name features part one of the Ron Asheton interview, a nice though could be much better given all the information discovered since piece on the Deviants, an article on Peter Laughner's Cinderella Backstreet and the Seeds. Oh, there's also a piece on Charlemagne Palestine written by someone or other who shall remain nameless forever, and it can all be yours for $5.00 a pop!

BLACK TO COMM #16-This one has the Rudolph Grey interview, some reprints of Peter Laughner things I copped out of old issues of ZEPPELIN and elsewhere, more Electric Eels lyrics with a pic, Laughing Hyenas and of course tributes to the recently departed Lucille Ball and Jim Backus. The first, cruddy version can be had for $2.50, though the better take will cost an extra buck ($3.50 in case you can't add). I also have some "damaged" in a basement flood but still readable (they may either be wrinkled a bit and/or have rusty staples) I'll part with for a mere buck!

BLACK TO COMM #17-The first of the "big" issues has a cover story/interview with Scott Morgan and Gary Rasmussen from the old Scott Morgan band, also inside's an interview with Borbetomagus' Donald Miller as well as one with Maureen Tucker, not to mention pieces on Fish Karma (who I liked until hearing his overly-preachy kiss kiss moosh anti-gun song entitled "God Bless The NRA"), the Dogs (from Detroit, not the French ones or the Flamin' Groovies for that matter!), Rocket From the Tombs (with loads of old photos and the like, some never seen before or since!), the top 25 of heavy metal, METAL MACHINE MUSIC, a piece on the then-new proto-punk reissues and archival digs of the day and the usual reviews and news. Buy a copy for $7.00.

BLACK TO COMM #19-Just found a few of these niceties with my Miriam Linna interview plus one done with Jeff Clayton of Antiseen, not to mention the Pink Fairies, Czech Underground Rock (Plastic People of the Universe, Umela Hmota...), Lester Bangs (unpublished photos too!), NUGGETS, the Shangs, a history of proto-punk fanzines, lotsa old TV stuff and of course the regular departments. This is the first ish to really dig into a lotta the anti-youth fascism mentality so popular in rock circles these days, so sissies beware!!! Since this is getting rare you can have one of these soon-to-be collector's items for $8.00 each if you can believe it! A real steal deal!!!!

BLACK TO COMM #20-This has a Mick Farren (Deviants) interview, a talk with Roky Erickson (!), a Craig Moore (the Gonn!) interview, the Seeds, Richard Meltzer, a retrospective on the DENIM DELINQUENT fanzine, the New York Dolls, an old Adny Shernoff (Dictators) interview done by Greg Prevost in 1978, a Harriet Nelson obituary, loads on old TV shows and the like and of course the usual stuff that makes Dave Lang a hot and bothered honorary marsupial. GUESS WHAT! No more left!

BLACK TO COMM #21-A VON LMO cover story and interview grace this ish, as do interviews with Metal Mike Saunders, Brian McMahon (Electric Eels) and rockabilly star Ronnie Dawson, plus you can read much-desired items on the Trashmen, Velvet Underground and Hawkwind like I knew you would! Not to mention a piece on the infamous TEENAGE WASTELAND GAZETTE fanzine! And all you'll have to do to get it is seperate yourself from $8.00 and send it all to me!!!

BLACK TO COMM #22-The printers (and myself to a degree) messed this one up but it became one of my biggest sellers anyway! Cover story features Alice Cooper, and there's also things on Steve Mackay (Stooges), Umela Hmota in Josef Vondruska's own translated words, a lengthy BACK DOOR MAN history, Jymn Parrett telling us his version of the DENIM DELINQUENT story, the Planets (NYC version), the Sidewinders (Boston version), a warped krautrock history entitled "Krautrock: The Final Solution to the Aryan Question!" and the usual gunk. Plus this one comes with a CD with a hand-decorated by memeME cover numbered and all, featuring Carnal Kitchen (Steve Mackay pre-Stooges!), Umela Hmota, Umela Hmota 3, Dom (post-UH), Rockin' Blewz (early Metal Mike Saunders!), Backsnider (Mike Snider's old band), Milk (early-seventies Cleveland proto-punk glam), Moving Parts and more! If you want it, I have some, but not as many as before so in order to make up for past losses...$15.00 EACH!

BLACK TO COMM #24-This issue's cover feature's a nice interview with Doug Snyder of not only Sick Dick and the Volkswagens fame (the NYC no wave band from the late-seventies lower-Manhattan ka-BOOM!, not the nineties group with the same moniker!) but the Doug Snyder/Bob Thompson DAILY DANCE album which has achieved legendary status long ago, plus there's an interview with the Dogs (Detroit) and Greg Shaw, a piece on the old CAN'T BUY A THRILL fanzine and the usual feature-length reviews and the like. $9.00 gets you one!

BLACK TO COMM #25-The latest, 162 pages brimming with such goodies as a New York City Scene history (featuring interviews with Max's Kansas City's Peter Crowley and Ruby Lynn Reyner from Ruby and the Rednecks plus pieces on coverboys the New York Dolls and VARIETY scene-booster Fred Kirby), an interview with J. D. King (Coachmen, comix) plus one with guitarist Lou Rone, who would probably be best known to you as leader of the early CBGB-era band Cross as well as one-time guitarist for both Kongress and VON LMO, the Screamin' Mee-Mees, CRETINOUS CONTENTIONS, Simply Saucer rare photos, family tree and gigography, rare fanzines of the Golden Age (and more), tons of book and record reviews (which make up the bulk of this ish!), plus a CD with live Simply Saucer 1975, the Coachmen, The Battleship, Ethel with David Nelson Byers and Ruby and the Rednecks. I think it's the best issue so far and if you wanna find out for yourself, send me $10.00 if you order this one with any assortment of other issues, but if you buy it on your lonesome send me an additional $2.00...outside the immediate area add more!!!!


  1. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Hey Christopher,
    Good to see your updates. Keep in touch as we have some new projects in the works you will enjoy. Best to you. The Magic Tramps.....

  2. Anonymous10:56 PM


    I just took the 1/2-inch reel of black & white VIDEOTAPE that sports the Imperial Dogs hour-plus 1974 performance at Cal State Long Beach in to be digitized this week. Thinkin' about issuing it on DVD.

    Gotta bunch of audiotapes -- original tunes and covers -- that didn't make the Dog Meat LP, too.


  3. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Hi Christopher-
    Did you ever interview Don Fellman in any issue. I see you interviewed Rudolph Gray in #16, and I'll be ordering that from you.

  4. Hello, just wondering if you're still at this postal adress: I wanted to send you a bunch of records from the label

    and I hope you're checking comments from 2006 posts!

  5. Not here...try this one

    701 North Hermitage Rd., Suite 23
    Hermitage, PA 16148

  6. sent this morning!

  7. hullo! did you receive the records ?
    it's your commentator from 2006 speaking...

  8. Records arrive safe and sound. Will attend to them when I have some time!!!

  9. Hi Chris, I was telling a friend in Sydney just yesterday that my finest moment was making the cover of BTC. So I thought about looking you up, and here you are!
    Deniz ( )

  10. Wow! I thought you would have been pissed off at me like your good friend Ken Shimamoto!

  11. Hi,

    I'd like to send you our newest release. Are you still at:
    701 North Hermitage Rd., Suite 23
    Hermitage, PA 16148




All comments screened to edit out spam, malicious mutterings regarding those associated with this blog or who I consider close friends, and anything relating to my personal, private life that frankly is none of your damn business! And if your posts will lead to back-and-forth tit-for-tat one-upmanship shouting matches that only go around in circles don't expect to see them here.