As you can tell from the above jolly photo it's Christmas (once again time to post another one of these Adolf as a natural down home kinda guy who likes kids and animals pix), and to that let me add a hearty so what! Like I've already said on most if not all of my holiday posts these past twentysome years (pardon my redundancy but you guys need to be reminded), has Christmas really meant anything ever since them days when kids actually appreciated getting them toys because they didn't have everything tossed at 'em like they do these sad 'n sorry times? And with alla them "in service" days and placate the ethnics holidays that we have (I mean, what big deal is Columbus discovering Ameriga anyway? --- I know, you thought I was gonna pick on Martin Luther King and Juneteenth!) even Christmas vacation really doesn't seem to be that much to roar over like it usedta. Them kids today need some real good LIFE and FUN tossed at 'em tho, the kind our parents and grandparents grew up with back when little things sure meant a whole lot, and no jokes!
But well, here I am after quite a spell, and I have a whole load to say so if I come off even more gasbag than usual well, you can always read this post in part and come back to it later. Pardon the long-windedness but like the Monkees I have something to say and if you don't like it well, you can do to me what you've already been doing these past umpteen years!
Otherwise since this is undoubtably going to be the last big deal post of the year (and perhaps the last post PERIOD) let me say that I am rather happy to have survived it all. It was a fair year. Oh, nobody I loathe died or anything else that would make me happy like that, but despite the usual monkey wrenches tossed into this soft machine I managed to end up feeling somewhat human throughout it all. That's something I should be at least a smidgen thankful for. But live through it again? You must be joking!
I'm so glad that I crawled out from under my rock to discover a rather unique blog written by some rather talented individual who calls himself Peter Stanfield (see the roll call directly to your left). Never heard of the man before (I think his name just wooshed by me since he's been mentioned in UGLY THINGS a few times and maybe even interviewed in their pages by someoneorother), but I'm sure glad I stumbled across this 'un, for that particular fanabla pretty much has the same tastes and passion for the type of sounds and furies that I've been obsessed with for a fairly good portion of my rather subdued existence. A writer of some stature too with a few books under his belt (some of them, like THIRD GENERATION ROCK & ROLL, seem custom made for my own take on this mostly horrid sound they call "rock music"), Stanfied seems to be one guy who knows his potatoes, and while I'm positive that he 'n I would get into a massive row had we been locked together in the same cage his maddening writing devoted to everyone and everything in the Velvets/Stooges/Meltzer/younameit realm really has me scouring his blog whenever I have a little smidgie bit of free time in my life. Plenty of Mick Farren revelations here not to mention some Lillian Roxon for all you New York sophisticados and man, it's so refreshing to read someone who can not only write his way out of an entire supermarket full of paper bags but has the kind of musical tastes that I love to sink into like a pair of copulating kids in a vat of tapioca pudding. I'll tell you one thing and that is that I sure wish I had Stanfield's vast knowledge as well as his writing abilities, but then again very very few of us are as erudite and as on target as this guy which makes me appreciate him all the more! Worth the while for each and every one of you to spend some Sunday afternoon crawling through, especially during these cold 'n wintery days when you'll be hard up for a whole lotta fun things to do that aren't immoral.
Another internet discovery --- a site called JAY KINNEY'S CLINIC OF CULTURAL COLLISION (see roll call on left as if you didn't know) which was set up by none other'n the infamous underground comix creator, fanzine regular and WHO PUT THE BOMP artistic director Jay Kinney as if you couldn't discern that yourself. I agree with Greg Shaw when he wrote that Kinney was one of the few undergrounders with a steady hand and a brain to match, which is but one reason I decided to link his site up and hopefully give it a little more well-earned (and who knows, perhaps even needed) exposure. This 'un has everything related to the man from a linking up of his favorite political websites (surprising choices, especially for horse-blindered extremists like yourself) as well as some really good examples of his cartooning abilities done for everyone from SCREW to DR.WIRTHAM'S COMIX AND STORIES. Highly recommended are "Fifth Grade Confidential", "Too Real" and "Dry Ice". See link at left and don't be surprised if you don't learn something that you've never wanted to learn before!
Also found within the realm of the internet is a Youtube channel that has a few episodes of the shoulda been legendary television series THE GREAT ADVENTURE, a long forgotten rarity which is finally being made available after years of being locked up in CBS's vaults for whatever reasons there may be (mostly them not being profitable enough to syndicate). Some of you more ancient readers might remember this show which consisted of re-enactments of various moments in Amerigan history as portrayed by some of your favorite stars such as Lee Marvin, a guy who was really busy during the fantastic 1963-64 television (and moom pitcher) season what with LAWBREAKER, TWILIGHT ZONE, KRAFT SUSPENSE THEATER, THE KILLERS and this 'un (yes, I go on IMDB too!). Probably had some hefty gambling debts to pay off as Bill Shute once surmised. If I'm not mistaken the folk at AMERICAN HERITAGE were consultants so you know this just ain't typical tee-vee revisionism (just historical revisionism), that's for sure!
Kinda recall this 'un lighting up the cathode when I was but a mere turdler but the memories are somewhat fuzzed out. Still, hope the entire series will be downloaded after years of obscurity if only so I could see the debut episode about the infamous Civil War submarine the H.L. Hunley, especially noted for having both Pyles, Jim Nabors and George Lindsay that is, as crewmates on the ill-fated vessel. Gaw-lee!
I promised no more AI-induced pics on this here blog, and there won't be 'cept for a few created for posts which might be in need of some pertinent illustrations. However, the recent conjuring up of an AI Beatles song had me wonderin' whether or not this trend could be used to create some lost music that people like us would want to enjoy. Take the Velvet Underground and the wealth of lost sounds that have reached legendary status at least amidst the throngs of serious rockists out there. Perhaps if some enterprising soul could get John Cale and Maureen Tucker to give some input we could finally get to hear more of those "Sister Ray Part Two"'s that were performed during the group's spring 1968 tour. Or maybe Iggy could help in the creation of such lost Stoogian efforts such as "Way Down in Egypt" or those early Hawaiian guitar screeches that Pop himself compared to the Melvins! Maybe AI can improve on the sound quality of surviving tapes that sound absolutely dreck-y which would really be a boon considering some of the tapes extant that sound like they were recorded within the chasms of Ondine's colon. Who knows what previously lost media could be restored with the help of this new technology which, so far, has resulted in whacked out pictures created by doof bloggers such as myself out there if only to get a li'l notice. Just as long as whoever is involved with these musical projex doesn't use that same AI I've been using that comes up with all of them whacked out pics.
Another bit of AI fun...asking Bing Chat silly questions and getting earnest if obscure answers in return. One I submitted amounted to something along the line of "is Nancy really the daughter of Fritzi Ritz and is her father black?" while another was pretty much along the same lines..."is Swee Pea really the illegitimate son of Popeye and Olive Oyl?" I was going to ask about Poopeye, Pepeye, Pupeye and Peepeye, not to mention Huey Dewey and Looie and their parentage, but I don't want to press my luck. Still, the answers I get to my put on inquiries are funny if a tad condescending but that ain't gonna stop me from asking whether or not Ralph Monroe from GREEN ACRES ever posed for nude photos!
Interesting comment from a guy who calls himself "Field Hippy" regarding Jim Goad's next-to-latest post in COUNTER-CURRENTS:
The best interview with a rock star I know of is with Johnny Ramone, in the zine BLACK TO COMM, around 1994. What I remember most is his concert-going prowess. Every rock act, you name it, that played in the NYC metro area in the late 60s/early 70s he saw, and many of them multiple times. It was funny that the interviewer stayed diplomatic while Johnny praised the likes of Hendrix, Clapton, and Zeppelin to the skies, with these acts being irrelevant or anathema to the punk aesthetic of the zine. Finally the interviewer laid it on the line and asked Johnny about the Velvet Underground, the interviewer’s by-far favorite band. Johnny laughed and said something like “I’m sure we saw them and heard their records, but it was like, Why? These guys can’t play.” That was really funny considering Johnny’s simple style and that no one would call him a virtuoso. Great sound, though, so he should be remembered like Angus Young or Lemmy of Motorhead.To which I say how come this interview somehow escapes the vast caverns of my mind?
Interesting (and undoubtedly false) claim made in the first issue of TROUSER PRESS...according to gossip guru Rona Barrett none other than Deviants/Pink Fairies/Lightning Raiders bass guitarist Duncan Sanderson was engaged to onetime Ameriga's Sweetheart Maria Schneider of LAST TANGO IN PARIS fame! Considering how the Pink Fairies used to engage in "sandwich sex" with a certain follower named "Gigi" maybe I can see the attraction. Just hope the bread and meat's well buttered for a rather tasty experience.
You heard it here last...RIP rock writer Jane Suck (a.k.a Jane Solanis and Jane Jackman) who actually passed on last January only I found about it this afternoon. She was one of the better ones, so shed some tears unlike you will when I hit the big record shop in the sky.
In other news (don't worry Kyoko, I will get to the record reviews more later than sooner!), I thought I had the correct email address in order to get in touch with onetime Velvet Underground Fan Club head Constantine Radoulovich who's now residing in Annadale Virginia ( Radoulovich is a man who I really wanted to talk about regarding his involvement in the club as well as the planned Velvets fanzine he had in store back 1971 way, but the email got bounced back to me which I will admit is slightly disappointing. Hey Connie, if you're out there why dontcha get in touch even though I sincerely doubt you would given the way you've been avoiding people these past fifty years!
I guess if other people out there in computerland can post their fanzine want lists so can I! Not that I get the inkling that anyone would even know about any of these mags and if they did they'd figure why bother, but here goes anyway. If anything, the following will once again prove (just like my playlist below) just what an erudite, knowledge seeking and totally on-the-ball music aficionado I am at least making me feel good in the process. Lowest prices paid for these titles, and (naturally) wonky xerox copies are more than welcome just as long as they're unreadable:
BILGE (rock fanzine from 1972 or so created by "two crazy girls")
CHUCKLEHEADS GAZETTE (mid-70s English fanzine with articles on Can and the Deviants --- probably never got published but who knows?)
DAVID'S GIRLS/STAR SPECIAL (Terri Ferris' David Cassidy/glam rock fanzine --- any issues prior to the one mentioned in this article are most definitely wanted, or any after if they did indeed make their way into the world of fandom!)
GROOVE ASSOCIATES #2 (or any other after #3 if, like in the case of the fanzine above, they were published)
HYPERION, any prior to their Autumn 1972 issue
JUNGLELAND #'s 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 (the Scottish mag by that guy who was later in Oasis, not the Springsteen one)
PANACHE #'s 1 and 2 (these go for bazillions so photocopies would be acceptable)
SLADE PARADER #s 1 and 2
SPOONFUL issues #1 and #4 (and any others after that is if --- well, you know the drill)
TEENAGE NEWS #1 (the one from Montreal, not Hamilton)
NEW HAVEN ROCK PRESS-any of the early 1967/68 vintage issues
Okay, this has a few repeats from previous playlists but I think I scoured the stacks a whole lot more diligently than usual. There's some revisiting of old friends and who knows, maybe a few old enemies at that. The best thing about digging into the collection is that, since my mind is such a sieve, a whole lotta these sound like brand new never before heard offerings to me! What a great way to save money especially in these inflation-laden times!!!:
John Cage/Kenneth Patchen-THE CITY WEARS A SLOUCH HAT CD (Organ of Corti Records)
John Cage-MUSIC FOR KEYBOARD 1935-1948 2-CD set (Sony International Records, Japan)
Lennon/Ono-ALTERNATIVE TORONTO MIX AND MORE... CD (Goblin Records bootleg, Australia)
The Beatles-WHAT A SHAME MARY JANE HAD A PAIN AT THE PARTY 12-inch single (no label bootleg)
Quicksilver Messenger Service-LIVE IN SAN JOSE LP (Groucho Records bootleg)
Wizzard-MASTERS OF ROCK VOL. 11 LP (EMI/Harvest Records, Germany)
Boy Dirt Car-HEATRIG CD (Koala Foreskin Retraction Records, Australia)
Art & Language & the Red Crayola-CORRECTED SLOGANS CD (Drag City Records)
Ornette Coleman-SKIES OF AMERICA CD (Sony Records, Japan)
Les Rallizes Denudes-CABLE HOGUE SOUNDTRACK 2-CD set (Univive Records, Japan)
Gary Wilson-MUSIC FOR PIANO LP (Feeding Tube Records)
Can-UNLIMITED EDITION 2-LP set (Harvest Records, Germany)
The Flamin' Groovies-'70 LP (Eva Records, France)
Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention-MEAT LOVERS VOLUME 2 7-inch 33 rpm EP (Hoffman Records bootleg)
GROUP INERANE CD (Sublime Frequencies Records)
Crawlspace-SPHEREALITY CD (Sympathy For The Record Industry Records)
Various Artists-THE EARLY SOUNDS OF GARAGE ROCK 2-CD set (Not Now Records)
Smegma-MIRAGE CD (Important Records)
Siouxsie and the Banshees-THE SCREAM CD (Geffen Records)
Various Artists-MOBILISATION GENERALE CD (Diggers Digest Records, France)
James Chance and the Contortions-WHITE CANNIBAL CD (ROIR Records)
John Fahey-THE LEGEND OF BLIND JOE DEATH CD (Takoma Records, England)
Sanctum-NEW YORK CITY BLUSTER LIVE AT CBGB's CD (no label but of Swedish origin)
Various Artists-THE HARVEST BAG LP (EMI/Harvest, Spain)
Frank Zappa-ROAD MUSIC #1/1 LP (bootleg)
CLUSTER AND ENO LP (Sky Records, Germany)
Iggy Pop-ZOMBIE BIRDHOUSE LP (Animal Records)
Love Child-OKAY! LP (Homestead Records)
Tuli Kupferberg-TULI AND FRIENDS LP (Shimmy Disc Records)
The Red Crayola-LIVE 1967 2-CD set (Drag City Records)
The Red Crayola-PARABLE OF ARABLE LAND 2-CD set (Charly/Snapper Records, England)
Frank Zappa-FREAKS AND MOTHERFUCKERS LP (Swingin' Pig Records bootleg)
Richard Landry-A FIRST QUARTER LP (Chatham Square Records)
Frank Zappa-PIGS 'N' REPUGNANT 2-CD set (Vulture Records bootleg, Italy)
Spirogyra-ST. RADIGUNDS CD (Repertoire Records, Germany)
The Cramps-1976 DEMO SESSIONS LP (bootleg)
Can-OPENER LP (Sunset Records, England)
Tangerine Dream-ALPHA CENTAURI/ATEM 2-LP set (Virgin Records, England)
The Necros/White Flag-JAIL JELLO 12-inch EP (Gasatanka Records)
The Thirteenth Floor Elevators-ELEVATORS LIVE LP (Decal Records, England)
The Sonics-UNRELEASED LP (First American Records)
KRAFTWERK 1/KRAFTWERK 2 CDs (Germanofon Records, Germany)
Bern Nix/Sabir Mateen/Jeff Shurdut's Impossible Beauty Trio Orchestra-THE DREAM OF A RIDICULOUS MAN CD-r burn (No Label Record Label)
John Cage-WORKS FOR PERCUSSION Volumes 1 and 2 CDs (Hungaroton Records, Hungary)
Sunny Murray-SUNSHINE CD (Sunspots Records, Italy)
Charles "Bobo" Shaw featuring Joseph Bowie & the Human Arts Ensemble-P*NK J*ZZ LP (Muse Records)
John McLaughlin-DEVOTION LP (Douglas Records)
Amy Sheffer-SANCTUARY MINE LP (Iamshee Records)
Velvet Underground-1966 LP (bootleg)
15 Kinder and Peter Brotzmann, Fred von Hove, Han Bennick-FREE JAZZ UND KINDER LP (Tochnit Aleph Records, Germany)
Edgar Broughton Band-DEMONS AT THE BEEB CD (Hux Records, England)
Time for them reviewz what get a good portion of my readership tuning in, at least when compared to my various book review and other "weekday" posts. Got quite a few donations, one from P.D. Fadensonnen that I got last Christmas but only now found in the rubble that is my bedroom and some from Paul McGarry and maybe even Robert Forward if only I find the time (and the disques)! Feeding Tube even sent a spinner which must prove that I am a man of importance and worth, or something like that because I don't think I'm either! One of the items up for scrutiny is (now get this!) a Brad Kohler Christmas gift, and if you can guess which I'll send you absolutely nothing! Hope you find a whole load of good hints as to what you should be spending your Christmas gift moolah on here but if you don't well, what else is new?
Hawkwind-SPACE RITUAL 10-CD plus Blu-Ray box set (Atomhenge Records, England)
Hey, I'm such a generous guy that I even bought myself a Christmas present as if any of YOU ever would think of doing just that! But really, is this worth the money and bother to purchase given, in five years, there's probably going to be an even newer version that'll put even this multidisque monstrosity to shame?Well the answer is YES even if you already have each and every other SPACE RITUAL reissue extant. First off, how do you know that you'll even BE alive five years from now and besides, this box set is so good not only due to the space age sound and previously unheard material but because of the hotcha booklet and other niceties enclosed. Yup, this'll make you so happy you hung around long enough to enjoy this throbbing batch of electronic space music the way it was supposed to be done --- that is, without all the frilly Tolkien puff and prog rock preen that only took away rather than added to the entire rock appreciation mode so needed not only then but now!
OK, I will admit that only the more serious of us Hawkwind fans will enjoying sitting through ten platters (one more if you have Blu-Ray) of shows taken from the same tour and recorded within days of each other but hey, I don't mind. I can listen to these tracks over and over and not only that, but there are some minute differences that will undoubtedly catch your ears and like, you don't hafta listen to this all in one sitting like I'm doing!
I never thought, ever since I first saw that pair of squeezies on the cover starin' at me from the racks of the National Record Mart at the Eastwood Mall, that SPACE RITUAL would eventually worm its way not only into my collection but my crazed out brain as well. Fifty years down the hatch and it perhaps has even more of an overall smashed against the walls effect on me. And like well, I know I've grown and "matured" since then but sheesh, it's sure fantastic that the better moments of seventies under-the-underground decadent hard-edged sounds continue to live on, at least within my beyond addled mind.
Melted Men-JAW GUZZI LP (Feeding Tube Records)
"Fontana Mix" goes rhumba. Or something like that, but this (9th release from these guys) takes the dada soundsplats heard on many of these Feeding Tube efforts to its usual (?) conclusion and what a conclusion it is! Try to imagine "Revolution 9" covered by Smegma --- well, not as good as that but still fine. Worth it for more than just the side "A" label showing a snake suckling from a cow. If you've been in on the Feeding Tube lifeline since its inception I'm sure you'll be able to comprehend, and you can dance to it as well!
Les Rallizes Denudes-BAUS '93 CD-r burn (originally on The Last One/Tuff Beats Records)
The 90s-vintage Denudes sounded downright pro when compared to those distorted seventies live outings, or at least they did until those blasts of feedback proved that things are relatively quite the same and I shouldn't worry about the group adapting to the sick 'n sorry times one bit!***
Anthony Braxton-LIVE OCTOBER 25, 1969 PARIS CD-r burn
Embryo-ROCKSESSION CD-r burn (originally on Brain Records, Germany)
These guys are probably the krautrock group that I'm the most unfamiliar
with outside of Popul Vuh, a group of whom I own exactly zero recordings. I
own Embryo's Ohr debut which gave us a radically different band with a
totally different style than what these guys became best known for in the
annals of import bins, but other'n that I'm a rather sniveling neophyte when
it comes too all of their albums that came out on United Artists and Brain. So this burn courtesy of Paul McGarry sure helps out swell, and from even one listen to this it's obvious that Embryo's idea of fusioin was perhaps closer to Miles Davis's than Chick Corea's and for that we better be thankful!
You could call it standard seventies jazz somewhere to the left of Return to Forever with a few stops on the corner and you might be right. But only halfway there given the strong essence of Teutonic glow that exudes passion in the violin and guitar lines. Yeah it might not get me hankerin' to seek out the rest of the Embryo catalog but t'was a nice backdrop to a sunny if cool Autumn afternoon.
Jim Pepper/Bob Moses-DEVOTION 1967 CD-r burn (originally on Re-Kalem Records)
Hoo bwah! White guys doing the free jazz thing --- betcha that got some of
the black power players of the day rather mouth frothing if I do say so
myself! Maybe Pepper and Moses (along with their sidemen including Davie
Liebman making an early appearance) would have been spared the wrath of the
budding African consciousness of the day if the bros gave this 'un the once
over. Definitely riding the mid-sixties Archie Shepp and John Col-train to free sound bliss, Pepper et. al. play like Patrice Lumumba himself
is hot on their trail machete in hand. Three wowsers for sure including
"Custer Gets It", a musical reimagining of Little Big Horn that I don't
think even Sitting Bull could have fathomed back on that fateful day.
Metal Virgins-ANIMAL PEOPLE CD-r burn (originally on Thrash Metal Records, Germany)
As far as this nimble mind can tell, this is the final Steve Hall recording
at least until he got on his Jesus trip a few years later. If this is indeed
Hall's final "real" effort (did his Jesus recordings ever get a release for
that matter?) it sure is a fine goodbye from a guy who put out quite a slew
of top notch efforts under such monikers as the Afflicted (Man) and
Well it ain't anywhere near the overpowering attack of the Accursed's "Going Down"/"I Didn't Mean It" (which was THEE greatest over-the-top single since the MC5's "Looking At You" or even GG Allin's "Gimme Some Head") but it is way better than some of the grindhardmetalcore or whatever it was being called which was coming out during the mid-eighties. Melodies and PASSION can be discerned amidst the guitar pyrotechnics (far better'n the sped up John Schaum Book One etudes that Eddie Van Halen made his stoner dough with) and even if it all can seem but a big blur there is still a metallic passion that could be called Sabbathian at one point and even Stoogeian the next. Total HM eruption compacted into sonic matter with a mass comparable to those neutrons that pass through with the speed of light and get stuck somewhere in the earth's core.
The surprise winner of the post, but be prepared to dish out the collectors prices when copies do pop up. Or do what McGarry did and cop it off Youtube.
Wayne Marsh and Susan Chen-BALLADS CD-r burn (originally on Interplay Records)
Let me be the first to tell you (as if you didn't know) that I am not whatcha'd call a fan of the more refined and straight ahead forms of jazz that seem to be extremely popular with more than a few tie 'n tux aficionados out there. While Cecil Taylor played his piano like an 88 piece drum set, Frank Lowe scraped the canyons of his soul with his sandblasted tenor and the AACM guys stretched boundaries the way most of you readers stretch your sphincters I find music such as the kind performed here lacking in any soul-twisting drive and energy. For fancy dining purposes only. By the way, did you know that saxophonist Marsh was the nephew of the great Mae Marsh of DW Griffith fame?***
Various Artists-JUNETEENTH SPECIAL CD-r burn
I don't know how you celebrated "Juneteenth", but on KORC-LP in Corvallis Washington it was done pretty snatly on one (I assume there's more) of the "community station'''s jazz programs that I'm sure proliferate the airwaves. Good selection of spinners were to be heard too from some early Sun Ra to Sonny Sharrock ca. ASK THE AGES with John Carter and Arthur Blythe thrown in here/there. Given the wide array of seventies free play involved I kinda get the idea that most people who would celebrate this recent national holiday would not approve of the dissonance that was being presented on this program but eh, this is something that I gotta say sure puts a positive spin on Afro-American cataclysmic sound approaches a whole lot more'n Li'l Jinx or whatever his name ever did.***
Ernie Sheldon and the Villagers-BIG MEN, BOLD AND BAD LP (Columbia Records)
This is definitely the kind of folk music that people who got their information from watching too many episodes of HOOTENANNY! would appreciate. Given the amount of early-sixties tee-vee that I've been taking in as of late (including many an old western) I can understand and enjoy this more than any of you sniveling communist folkie wannabes out there ever could. For a guy who I'm sure was down and dirty for the struggle (at least his association with SING OUT! would imply so), Sheldon delivers on some pretty commercial folk for the casual listener...I guess he was only trying to get 'em oiled up for the real deal by presenting these tunes in a fashion that would have appealed to the SING ALONG WITH MITCH crowd. Downright enjoyable, and it even includes a bonafeed Woody Guthrie song namely "Pretty Boy Floyd"!
It may be too late to give out back issues of BLACK TO COMM as Christmas presents but it's not too late to send a belated batch to the one you hate and really give him a dose of holiday jeer!